WordPress with Google Analytics and Adsense

Setting up a WordPress blog with Google Analytics and Adsense

This post assumes you have a web hosting account and know how to administer the account, install packages, etc.

Setting up WordPress:

  1. Download WordPress package, zip or tarball, from http://wordpress.org/download/
  2. Install WordPress on your web host. The WordPress guide (on that page) is good.
  3. Set up your blog with the default theme–get the basic functionality down, if you’ve never used WordPress.

Adding Google Analytics:

  1. I use the plugin “Google Analytics for WordPress” available here: http://yoast.com/wordpress/google-analytics
  2. Download the ZIP file and extract it to the wp-content/plugins folder where you installed WordPress.
  3. It will appear as an available plugin on the WordPress Dashboard.
  4. In your Google Analytics account, create a new property.
  5. Retrieve the Tracking ID and enter it into the plugin settings.

Integrating Google Adsense:

  1. I use the “Ad Flex Blog” theme available here: http://www.vklabx.com/wordpress-themes/wordpress-theme-ad-flex-blog.php
  2. Download the zip file from the site and extract it to the wp-content/themes folder where you installed WordPress.
  3. It will appear as an available theme on the WordPress Dashboard.
  4. Activate the new theme.
  5. You will find the relevant customization options here: Dashboard -> Appearance -> Ad Flex BlogĀ  Options
  6. The author provides guidance (on the site above) for customizing the theme, and tips to ensure your site remains compliant with Adsense rules.



Posted in Web Tech on Jan 6th, 2014, 6:11 pm by Dennis   

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